Upcoming Events



A Feather 

Sunday, November 19th, 2023; 1pm-4pm

Feathers are such beautiful images; representing flight, freedom, letting go, protection, and so much more. We will explore the many symbols of feathers and draw our own. Then we will NeuroArt our piece into our own personal expression!



Balancing Stress and

Managing Life

Sunday, December 17th , 2023; 1pm-4pm

How do you handle stress? We all have it and we all deal with it in various ways. Come learn THE foundational step to Neurographic Art. I will guide you on how to transform your stress into a visual image. And you can take this tool with you anywhere you go!



The Evil Eye of Protection

Sunday, January 21st , 2024; 1pm-4pm

The Evil Eye is a very captivating popular image, but seen in many cultures about as far back as we find artifacts from early civilizations.  It symolizes protection and is seen often with the Hamsa Hand.  We will explore and investigate the Evil Eye and create our own!



Hamsa Crystal Mountains 8" x 10": $50 11" x 14": $100

Facets of the Jewel of

Your Desires

Sunday, February 18th, 2024; 1pm-4pm

A jewel has many facets, much like our life.  We will explore that idea while drawing a jewel of our desire.  While contemplating all the choices, actions, or assets we posess, we will create a NeuroArt from our multi-facetted creation.



The Good Luck 4-Leaf Clover

Sunday, March 17th , 2024 1pm-4pm

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and may luck be with you!  Join me in a look at the holiday we wear green! We will foucs on luck, wishing and what you dream about!  We will put those ideas in a NeuroArt piece that represents our desires!



The Lotus

Sunday, April 21st , 2024 1pm-4pm

Bloom your desires and come learn how to create a Lotus Flower, while focusing on a topic you’d like to grow, excel, and/or manifest! Creating a lotus is very meditative and satisfying!

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